"PASSED VOICES: Yesterday Meets Today"
Ground-Breaking New Book Reveals New Writings & Recollections From Shakespeare, Freud, Elvis, and Many Others

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Four decades ago, two friends sat down at a spiritual message board. What started as simple curiosity turned into a historical adventure - a bridge between two worlds! Thus began an amazing journey with the delivery of new poems, stories, and recollections signed by such names from yesterday as Emily Dickinson, John F. Kennedy, Elvis, Edgar Allan Poe, Socrates, Shakespeare, Freud, and Jimi Hendrix.

Published now for the first time, this unique collection of extraordinary passages is sure to elicit this same excitement and wonder from the reader - as when each new selection was first received from those unknown dimensions of space and time!

Since its release, PASSED VOICES has garnered a consistent string of rave reviews. Caitlyn M provided commentary for this remarkable collection on Amazon.com under her title An astonishing book - truly like no other! "When I first became aware of the unusual theme of this new book, my curious side convinced me that I just had to take a chance with it. Immediately I clicked the link to the page signed by my favorite poet - Emily Dickinson. Not only is this 'new' poem utterly in her style, but I also couldn't help notice that it was 'delivered' to these two authors on the anniversary date of her death. Gave me the chills!"
PASSED VOICES - Who's Who / Famous Voices
Voices Who Were They? Died
W.H. Auden Anglo-American poet 1973
Tim Buckley American singer/songwriter 1975
Robert Burns Scottish poet 1796
George Custer U.S. Army officer 1876
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Writer of Sherlock Holmes detective stories 1930
Marquis de Sade French libertine aristocrat 1814
Elvis American singer/cultural icon 1977
Emily Dickinson American poet 1886
Sigmund Freud Austrian father of psychoanalysis 1939
Jimi Hendrix Influential American guitarist and singer/songwriter 1970
Henry VIII King of England 1547
Johnny (John Lennon) Celebrated English musician and singer/songwriter (founding member of The Beatles) 1980
Lyndon B. Johnson 36th President of U.S. 1973
John F. Kennedy 35th President of U.S. 1963
Rudyard Kipling English short-story writer, poet, and novelist 1936
Monet Founder of French Impressionist painting 1926
Jim Morrison American singer/songwriter and poet (The Doors) 1971
Catherine Parr Queen of England (last wife of King Henry VIII) 1548
Edgar Allan Poe American author and poet 1849
Poincare a Paris French mathematician and physicist 1912
Queen Victoria Queen of the United Kingdom 1901
George Reeves Played 'Superman' on TV 1959
Rod Serling Creator of TV's 'The Twilight Zone' 1975
William Shakespeare English poet and playwright 1616
George Bernard Shaw Irish playwright and co-founder of the London School of Economics 1950
Socrates Classical Greek philosopher 399BC
James Thurber American author and cartoonist 1961
Van Gogh Dutch post-Impressionist painter 1890
George Washington 1st President of U.S. 1799

NOTE: "PASSED VOICES: Yesterday Meets Today" also contains new selections from a large number of non-famous voices - as well as many fascinating anonymous entries - all delivered from the 'other side'

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